Kevin with 7 Seconds, Photo: Mike Oswald
Kevin Seconds is a legend, plain and simple. I know Tim and I have wanted to get him on here in some capacity, but I didn't want to do just another interview with the guy. Since Kevin is still actively doing music, always has something to say, and is floating around on the web, I decided it would be great to have him as a regular here on DCXX if he was into it. Sure enough, Kev said he was game and we're psyched. So, I'm proud to announce what will hopefully be a weekly feature titled "Seven With Kevin" where we toss him seven quick random questions and see where it goes.
We're gonna fight the narrow minds!!! -Gordo DCXX
1. What's the last great song you heard?
Eddie & The Hot Rods' "Do Anything You Wanna Do", performed live by Ted Leo less than a week ago. Brilliant.
2. Reno in 2011: yay or nay?
Very much yay. I mean, not yay enough for me to move back there buy yay nonetheless.
3. Black Flag or Bad Brains?
Fuck. Pass.
4. How often do people write you asking you if you have any more copies of the YOT Can't Close My Eyes EP?
Not all too often, actually. I wish they would. I found a stash of them a few months ago and I could use a few extra bucks. (Ed. Note: I see Kevin getting at least a dozen emails upon giving this answer.)
5. All time favorite US city to play?
I'm going with Sacramento, my hometown. I can pick other people's cities. There are far too many to choose from.
6. Favorite thing about running your coffee shop, True Love, and will it re-open?
Favorite thing: being my own boss and helping make Sacramento a more interesting place to live in. If my wife Allyson and I re-open, it won't be any time soon.
7. 7 Seconds song lyrics that still resonate the most with you?
Probably Regress, No Way.
Kevin with 7 Seconds at City Gardens, Photo: Ken Salerno
Monday, February 28, 2011
Seven with Kevin
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Pretty rad new blog out of Toronto, Ontario called AD RATES, done by Rick Smith and Mike Fairley. It's basically a collection of punk/hardcore band and label ads from the past. Some real classics here and the blog is relatively new, so I expect plenty more cool ads to pop up. Definitely one I'll be bookmarking. -Tim DCXX
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Rival Schools - Wring It Out
This is the new video for "Wring It Out", which will appear on Rival School's new album "Pedals", available March 8th, 2011. Great video, great song, can't go wrong mixing The Exorcist with Rival Schools. Really looking forward to this new album dropping. Click here to pre-order your copy now: "Wring it Out" Available now on iTunes: -Tim DCXX
Thursday, February 24, 2011
WHERE ARE THEY NOW - John Stabb/Government Issue
Stabb with Government Issue, Photo courtesy of: Stuart Chandler
I'm currently the voice for Sleeper Agent!, living in the heart of WDC (after many years of being a resident in the MD suburbs!) again, and working at a really great family-owned Hardware store (from "harDCore to Hardware!"). I'm about to be divorced (but we like/love each other so no ill feelings) from my wife of (9 yrs of living in sin) and 3 years of marriage, and have 1 of our 4-legged meowing children by the name of Cat-astrophe.
Write on, John
John Stabb 2011, Photo: Ken Salerno
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Joe D. Foster - Unity / Ignite
Joe Foster with Ignite, Photo: Traci McMahon
It was just a matter of time before we pulled Joe Foster in to the DCXX fold and it looks like we've finally gotten things rolling. Here's part one of what's sure to be a multiple entry interview with Orange County Hardcore veteran, Unity and Ignite guitarist, Joe D. Foster. -Tim DCXX
What were you into before punk? Who were your favorite bands, and what were the biggest things that had an impact on you as a kid?
Before punk??? I guess G.I. Joe toys, etc. I got into it so early there wasn't much time for anything else. I used to tape Rodney on the Roq at night and listen to it the next day. That's when I first heard Minor Threat and was hooked from then on.
My favorite favorite bands then definitely were Minor Threat and Seven Seconds, and later on Marginal Man and Rites Of Spring. Pat Longrie was really good friends with 7 Seconds and we would do a lot of shows with them. They were super posi guys and made amazing music. I even got to do background vocals on The Crew and there is also a picture of me and Kevin on the cover of The Crew. I'm the guy wearing a backwards white ball cap. I'm really proud of that because it was the best time of my life.
As far as what had an impact on me? Really just the pure positive energy of the music, even more so than the lyrics...
How did you discover punk and how do you remember it changing you? Who were the first bands you were exposed to and who had an immediate impression on you?
My punk discovery came from listening to Rodney on the Roq secret recordings late at night. It changed me for sure. I never heard anything as beautiful as Minor Threat and I have been hooked on the energy ever since.
The guys who made a real impression on me were Kev, Steve and Troy. They were just such fun posi guys and they made the best sing-a-long hardcore ever.
We all know about Unity, but what was there before Unity that you played in? When had you started playing guitar, and what was the big inspiration to do so?
Before Unity, I was in some pretty bad hardcore bands in high school, just really learning how to play but having fun. I can't even remember the names. I also did some really good Christian bands in-between the hardcore stuff with the original singer from The Lifesavers...
One of my guitar inspirations was of course, Brian Baker. Also Rik Agnew for sure and then later Kenny Inouye from Marginal Man.
Joe D. Foster, Photo: Kent McLard
Monday, February 21, 2011
WHERE ARE THEY NOW - Sam McPheeters/Born Against
Sam with Born Against, Photo courtesy of: Sam McPheeters
Between these two photos: I went broke and moved to Richmond, Virginia in '93...the city hauled off the Born Against van for unpaid parking tickets...lived in an office building for a while...clocked tens of dollars as the lead singer of Men's Recovery Project...worked at a Gloria Jean's Coffee for three bad days...later worked at a health food place, and then another health food place, and then a commercial painting company...lived in Rhode Island...owned a 1993 Nissan Pulsar...moved to California and got married...crashed my record company into an oak tree...worked at Borders for three weeks...made nearly $80 as the lead singer of Wrangler Brutes...worked at another commercial painting high rejected for a paying job at OC Weekly...twice...voted for Obama...just reprinted my old zine, Dear Jesus....

Sam in 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Friday, February 18, 2011
Your Favorite Trainwreck - East Coast Weekend
After the release of their split 7" on Devildance Records; Jersey new-comers Communication Redlight and California veterans Your Favorite Trainwreck (featuring Farside frontman Popeye, and Gameface frontman Jeff Caudill) have teamed up again to present "The 2nd Annual Post Post Hardcore Weekend" with shows and bands consistent of the 90's post-hardcore era. The weekend will be four shows throughout Jersey and Philly. The 90's Revelation Record fans out there are gonna wanna catch at least one of these shows.
Thursday, February 17th starts the weekend off with a show in Philly at the Trocadero, with Rhode Island bredThe Biltmores, Your Favorite Trainwreck, Communication Redlight and Stoked On Being Pumped. The party continues on Friday the 18th at The Court Tavern in New Brunswick with two reunions; one from the legendary 90's hardcore band Shades Apart, as well as beloved New Brunswick hardcore band The Fire Still Burns; with Your Favorite Trainwreck, Communication Redlight & Kill Wealthy Dowager opening. The weekend moves on to the Mill Hill Basement in Trenton where Your Favorite Trainwreck will be joined by Detournement (featuring members of Bigwig, Plan A Project & Ensign) and Let Me Run. Sunday closes the weekend at The Clash Bar in Clifton with (Damn) This Desert Air (ex-The Fire Still Burns, Errortype: 11 & Instruction), Communication Redlight, The Wait (ex-Endgame), Your Favorite Trainwreck and Detournement.

February 17th @ The Troc (Philly, PA) - The Biltmores, Your Favorite Trainwreck, Communication Redlight & Stoked On Being Pumped
February 18th @ The Court Tavern (New Brunswick, NJ) - Shades Apart, The Fire Still Burns, Communication Redlight, Your Favorite Trainwreck & Kill Wealthy Dowager
February 19th @ The Mill Hill Basement (Trenton, NJ) - Your Favorite Trainwreck, Detournement & Let Me Run
February 20th @ The Clash Bar (Clifton, NJ) - Detournement, Your Favorite Trainwreck, The Wait, Communication Redlight & (Damn) This Desert Air
Find out more and listen to songs from each band at

Wednesday, February 16, 2011
WHERE ARE THEY NOW - Scott Frosch/Wide Awake
Scott with Wide Awake, Photo: Spazz
After Wide Awake and high school, I went to college in Poughkeepsie, NY. Then I moved to Colorado for a few years. I have played drums on and off from that time until now.
Scott Frosch 2011
Currently, I live in Norwalk, Connecticut, the home of the Anthrax. I work in video production and TV news. I am married and we have a son who is almost two. And we have two Pugs. I still skate, I still play drums and I still listen to hardcore. Life is good.
A young Scott behind the drums with Wide Awake, Photo: Spazz
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Ryan Hoffman on True Till Death
Curtis with Chain Of Strength at the Safari Club, DC, Summer 1989, Photo: Chris Yormick
Ronny Little sang for Rain On The Parade and also did a few zines (most notoriously, Fuck You) as well as the Bare Bones blog a few years back. Around 1997 he also did a quarter sized zine called Penalty Box that had some cool little pieces in it. One such piece was a little blurb he ran that came straight from Ryan Hoffman in February of 1997. I always thought this was cool, and Ronny was cool with us running it here. True Till Death indeed. -Gordo DCXX
True Till Death was one of the last things we put together for the first 7". Frosty came up with this riff, and it was really basic. The whole thing with Chain Of Strength wasn't to be this intricate hardcore band. It was just to play simple progressions that enable you to kind of go off and play with power and emotion. That was the whole idea behind Chain Of Strength.
I wrote most of the lyrics. I started the song, and Curt pretty much helped me finish it up. Basically, the whole thing was taken from an interview with Al from SSD. He was just talking how...'cause I was going through the same thing (Ed. Note: This isn't a typo, I think Al was talking about being in a band Ryan could relate as he was going through the same thing with Justice League). I was in a band. He was in a band. I happened to go back to my roots, where he was talking about going back to his roots, but his roots were different than mine. He's a little bit older than me, and basically his roots were Van Halen, and he talked about how he was so into Van Halen, and that he bought a whole row of front row tickets to go see a Van Halen concert, and just basically how SSD was just a progression into hard rock. He just wanted to reach thousands of people and all of these things, and it just totally turned me off.
Alex with Chain in DC, Photo courtesy of: Kevin Young
I was the complete opposite. I was touring with 7Seconds and Justice League, and things of that sort, and I wanted to go back to playing way small shows and actually saying something that people are actually going to listen to. More people are going to hear you at a small show than at a big concert, you know what I mean?
So basically, I just wrote about that interview. A lot of it was taken from the interview, and the second verse was more or less an, "okay, we're going to pick up where you guys left off" sort of thing. You guys helped form this whole straight edge movement...this whole hardcore movement, and we're going to pick up where you left off and run with it.
Alex, Ryan and Curtis with Chain Of Strength in NY, 1988
Supertouch - How Do You Feel
Supertouch from Santos Party House, NYC, 2/12/2011, courtesy of: Stark-Arts
Sunday, February 13, 2011
The return of Rival Schools
Rival Schools are back! Their new album 'Pedals' will be released on March 8th in the USA (March 7th in the UK). Album and limited edition colored vinyl preorder packages are available now at
Rival Schools has also announced a string of US tour dates in Early March followed by a full European tour with ... And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of The Dead. US dates listed below. For more info visit
Mar 2 - Lincoln Hall, Chicago, IL
Mar 5 - Brighton Music Hall, Allston, MA
Mar 6 - Rock N Roll Hotel, Washington, DC
Mar 7 - Johnny Brenda's, Philadelphia, PA
Mar 8 - Santos Party House, New York, NY
Mar 10 - Court Tavern, New Brunswick, NJ
Thursday, February 10, 2011
WHERE ARE THEY NOW - Jason O'Toole/Life's Blood
Jason with Life's Blood at Pipe Dragon, Buffalo NY, Spring 1988, Photo: Geoffrey Nicholson
I've made my career in law enforcement. I am currently an investigator for the Office of Secretary of State in Atlanta, Georgia. One of my main responsibilities is investigating fraud and inaccuracy in elections. Our cases are diverse and one day I might be looking for someone who voted one time too many, the next day I might be interviewing a nurse who stole drugs from her job. I am also proud of the work we do with ICE and local police agenices who are fighting human trafficking and prostitution in their communities.
I'm married and raising two kids who also love music. I'm sure they'll be sharing their gifts with the world in a few years. In the meantime, I've formed a band called MyRifle with Lew and Hobi from Our Gang, and Joe from Garden Variety. Our first release will be an EP on Freddy Alva's legendary Wardance label. Sean Taggart did our artwork, and it's old school hardcore through-and-through.
Jason and the O'Toole kids, Photo courtesy of: Jason O"Toole
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Drew with with BOLD at the Safari Club, DC, Photo: Tom Significant
*All records/tapes very good to mint condition with all inserts unless otherwise noted.
*Questions or offers, email Gordo at:
*Will sell only through paypal with immediate payment.
*BUYER pays ALL shipping costs, records are in the USA.
*Don't like the price? Make an offer.
*Wanna buy a bunch of these records? I’ll cut you a deal.
*For $1675, I will sell this entire collection and I'll throw in some extra stuff (buyer to pay ALL shipping costs). Get in touch.
Vadim with Haywire, Photo courtesy of: Billy Rubin
Atari "We'll Be Fighting" green cover $5
Bane first ep $15
Bladecrasher 700 club blue vinyl $10
Bold s/t EP black vinyl blue cover $10
Born Against "My country..." $10
Breakdown "Hangin' at Wrsu" white vinyl $10
Breakaway color photo cover Consequence/Teamwork $10
Civ secondhand superstar yellow vinyl $10
Code 13 "they made a wasteland" gray vinyl $10
Collapse ep $10
Crippled Youth ep first press $65
Dag Nasty "things that make no sense" live City Gardens $10
Drop Dead "hostile" $10
Ensign/Good Riddance split blue vinyl limited cover $10
Ensign "fall from grace" white or green vinyl $10
Ensign 7" gray vinyl $10
Even Score a new means 7" Axtion Packed $10
Far From Breaking spring break tour 7" white vinyl $10
Fit For Abuse 7" Crust Records $10
Generation Of Hope comp bootleg $5
Growing Stronger comp (red letters black vinyl #d with poster $10, blue letters blue vinyl with poster $10)
Haywire "painless steel" $5
Heroin 7" Gravity Records $10
Icemen Cometh comp $10
Insight what will it take Victory $10
The Judas Factor first ep clear vinyl $10
Last Option "over time" Stepforward $10
Lifetime tinnitus $10
Mainstrike times still here blue vinyl $5
Make It Work comp with YOT (no cover) $25
No Control at the County Club comp $10
Over The Line crucial response demo 7" test press $35/make offer
PHC gravel truck/vigilante purple vinyl $10
Project X bootleg (exact to original, "bootleg" stamp on labels) $10
Project X bootleg (weirdo European boot with weird cover and labels) $10
Rain On The Parade full speed ahead blue cover green vinyl #59 out of 97, and TEST press (make offer on both)
Reach The Sky Espo Records red vinyl $10
Redemption 87 Spidey Sessions $10
Release rock it in Maryland, Photo courtesy of: Greg Shafer
Release no longer $10
Reveal descent PMA records $10
Shelter no compromise $15
Shelter live reality boot $10
Shelter quest for certainty/after forever boot $10
Sick Of It All pushed too far boot $10
Slapshot same mistake ep green vinyl $10
Sportswear keep it together clear vinyl $15
Sportswear it runs deep orange vinyl $15
Straight Ahead LP bootleg on EP gold vinyl $10
Ten Yard Fight HC pride EP blue vinyl $10 / grey vinyl EVR $10
TYF/Fastbreak split ep all colors/ltd covers $5 each
TYF the only way dark red $10
Touchdown Youngblood red vinyl $10
The Trust gold vinyl $10
Pat Longrie with Unity, Photo: Billy Rubin
Unity "you are one" ep DieHard insert (some vinyl scratches) - $40
Up Front live WNYU clear vinyl $10
Where Fear And Weapons Meet clear vinyl $10
Wind Of Change a promise kept Stepforward $10
Words To Live by comp first press black $10
X Marks The Spot comp SFT repress $10
YOT live at CBs boot $10
YOT yesterday live euro boot $10
YOT live at van hall 1989 ep grey vinyl $10
Dr Know with the Bad Brains at Fenders, Long Beach CA, Photo: Billy Rubin
76% Uncertain "Hunka..." Wishingwell $15
97a "abandoned future ep" $10
Bad Brains Rock For Light white vinyl $25
Cornerstone beating the masses yellow vinyl $15
Cro Mags live at Wellingtons boot $20
Embrace LP (not sure what pressing, bought in 90s) $10
Ensign "direction..." LP $10
The First Step OHCM AM/Livewire Clear vinyl $20
Flex Your Head hat cover $15
For The Sake Of Dedication green vinyl with booklet $15
Half Off The Truth LP black vinyl $15
In My Eyes the difference between yellow vinyl $35
Justice League at City Gardens, Photo: Ken Salerno
Justice League Shattered Dreams fartblossom $25
Los Crudos "canciones para liberar..." carboard insert $25
Nerve Agents first lp green vinyl $20
NYHC 4 EPs on an LP bootleg (Mob, Abused, Antidote, CFA) $20
NYHC Sunday Matinee clear vinyl $20
Onward "these words still pray" gold vinyl $20
Rebirth Of HC LP purple vinyl supersoul Ed McKirdy's face on the cover(!) $15
Scream "this side up" (not sure what press, bought in 90s) $15
Side By Side LP first press $10
Slapshot "back on the map" Taang (not sure what press, bought in 90s) $10
Slapshot "step on it" Taang (not sure what press, bought in 90s)$10
Underdog vanishing point reissue red vinyl $20
Verbal Assault learn $20
Verbal Assault Trial promo LP no insert $10
Purpose red vinyl $10
SSD kids EXClaim! boot $30
Ten Yard Fight back on track gold vinyl $35
Uniform Choice "screaming" green cover $10
Lars with Uppercut at City Gardens, Photo: Ken Salerno
Uppercut "Four Walls" first press $10
Youth Brigade "sound and fury" first press BYO black $20
YOT CCME rev repress green vinyl $65
YOT BDTW rev repress orange vinyl $65
WNITA rev repress dark red vinyl $80
YOT anarchy in vienna live bootleg LP $20
DEMOS/TAPES (make offers on all)
Over The Line 1997 demo yellow cover
Fastbreak "Youth Pride" demo
Close Call demo 1997
Floorpunch Goal Line Stand demo
Kid Dynamite demo
TFS west coast tour 2001
Time Flies 1997 demo
Rain On The Parade Summer Tour '95 demo
Rain On The Parade 6 song demo
The Explosion demo
The First Step, Photo: Traci McMahon
Monday, February 7, 2011
Supertouch return to NYC 2/12/2011
Supertouch in Oslo, Photo: Iris Celine Mäyräinen Endresen
Fresh off their European tour and the release of their brand new EP, "Lost My Way" on Reaper Records, Supertouch returns to NYC and plays the Santos Party House this upcoming Saturday, February 12, 2011. It's an all ages show, doors at 6PM, opening bands are Concrete Cross, Sweet Diesel and Capital.
Here's a great two song, three angle, HD video from their show in Oslo, Norway at Elm Street on 1/28/2011. Check it out and come on out to Santos Party House this Saturday. -Tim DCXX
Sunday, February 6, 2011
WHERE ARE THEY NOW - Kevin Egan/Beyond
Walter with Kevin in front of CB's
I'm currently living in Austin, TX and I am a member of IATSE (International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees) or in simpler terms, The Stagehand's Union. I work behind the scenes on the various plays, operas and what-not that come through town. Last year, I released a book, entitled, The Umpteenth Times: YEAR ONE, based on a year's worth of "fake" music news stories and essays on specific songs and albums that I had written:
I've since changed the format of The Umpteenth Times and I now review films exclusively:
I also sing and play guitar for a band called Twenty Four Thousand Dollars. You can download our demo for free at:
I've yet to get married but I do live with my girlfriend and two kooky cats.
Kevin with Twenty Four Thousand Dollars
Friday, February 4, 2011
Thursday, February 3, 2011
WHERE ARE THEY NOW - Popeye/Farside
Popeye and the rest of the Farside boys
I've been living in L.A. for the past 13 years and I make my living doing voice overs. It's nice work if you can get it! I've done a little of everything – radio, TV, films, and a lot of instructional videos. Most recently, I did a voice over for a landscaping company in North Carolina. Like I said, it's nice work if you can get it.
On the musical side of things, I'm in a band with Jeff from Gameface called Your Favorite Trainwreck. We have a 4-song ep and we're currently recording a full-length. We're also going to be on the east coast in February to play a few shows. It should be fun, but I also know it's going to remind me that I hate cold weather. Yeah...there's a reason why I live in L.A.
Popeye 2011
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Bri Hurley - Making A Scene
Natalie and Jimmy Gestapo, Sunday matinee CBGB, NYC, Photo: Bri Hurley
Bri Hurley took some incredible NYHC photos and also did the Making A Scene book - a must have for all diehards. Here's the scoop about the girl behind the camera. Hopefully more to come, big thanks to Bri! -Gordo DCXX
I grew up in California. First at Esalen Institute, Big Sur, then later at Gate 6, Sausalito (with a little moving around in between). Both places were filled with live music, from the drums of Babatunde Olatunji, to Joan Baez, to the dirty rock 'n roll of the Red Legs. But I'm sure you mean, when did I get involved with hardcore, punk music. I had a friend in High School who was very much into the punk scene in San Francisco. I went out with her a few times, but it didn't quite stick. It was when I moved to NYC, that I got into this myself.
Before I was involved with photography, I was involved with the arts. I got interested in photography through my experience with theater lighting. Black and white photography "sees" the light and shadow, nothing more or less. I took a basic photo course at Marin Community College, the semester before I went to the east coast. This is the sum total of my formal photography training.
Before NYC, I had a job offer to be the master electrician's assistant at a summer stock theater in Westport, CT. The job was pretty dreadful. The work was great but my boss, not at all. It wasn't until the accident that I had at work in the lighting rental house in NYC, that my focus fully turned to photography.
I built a darkroom in my basement flat, found someone selling everything I needed and spent all my money and much of my time behind the lens or in the dark.
At that same time, I was photographing other subjects as well as the hardcore music scene.
Shooting musicians was sort of an obvious thing for me, having a background that included music and dance. Musicians repeat the same movements and patterns, so it's just a matter of waiting for the moment. Shooting at CBGB's was ideal. I didn't like to shoot with a flash. Being in a club where the lights were close to performers gave me more to work with.
War Zone "Lower East Side Crew" EP cover photo, Todd Youth and Raybeez at CBGB, Photo: Bri Hurley
But the interface with music and photography...well it was all visual. I was often so focused on the visuals that I didn't even hear the music. Shooting on the street in front of the club, I was so focused on the visual that when people spoke to me, I actually couldn't speak. I didn't have the facility to shoot and speak for a long time. I'm sure this had some effect on how people perceived me.
As far as my actual introduction to the NYHC scene, I had a neighbor on Norfolk St., Charley Sclafani, drummer for Ultra Violence. He invited me to a hardcore matinee to shoot his band. Told me I was on the guest list. When I got there, Ken Sly, the door man, thought I was trying to scam him, when I was just clueless. He shouted, "There is no guest list!" So I paid.
The energy, the motion, the chaos and the wave of all hooked me in.
My interest was really in the rich visuals. A lot of people were suspicious of me. A new comer who arrives with a camera is usually suspect. I expected this, having grown up in alternative communities. I was very aware of coming into a place where people knew each other and they had a common bond. The music was the obvious, but it was also larger than the music. Conventional life/society/culture chaffed. They wanted something that wasn't on offer. They had to make it themselves and they did. I have great respect for this.
With my 'alternative' upbringing, I didn't fit into the conventions either. I knew that there were alternatives and that often you had to create your own. But I had gone through this discovery process some time before. I didn't feel the need for a group. The group dynamic was also something strange for me as I had grown up so much by myself and very self contained.
So, I was just there. I felt like I was standing in rising, fast moving water but never actually got wet. This was the illusion.
I did my utmost to be respectful of the people I was shooting. That was important to me and still is.
There is a hazard being behind the camera. It's the position of an observer and chronicler, and it changes things. Between this, having difficulty speaking and being rather a loner, I'm sure my demeanor didn't encourage people.
The photography was quite a compulsion. I didn't set out to take pictures for a book. I just took pictures of what interested me.
Carl "The Mosher" with Underdog at CBGB, NYC, Photo: Bri Hurley
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Supertouch, Breakdown and Absolution Live at Tompkins Square Park, NYC 1988
Every once in awhile, while scouring YouTube, we here at DCXX come across videos that simply can't be ignored. These three videos here from Supertouch, Breakdown and Absolution are perfect examples of just that. Not that the audio or video quality on any of these will necessarily knock your socks off, but just the mere fact that I've never seen these videos before and from the view count, it doesn't appear many others have either. So kickback and enjoy a little New York Hardcore, Tompkins Square Park style. -Tim DCXX
Keith Huckins of Rorschach on Stuff You Will Hate
Keith tears it up with Rorschach, Photo:
Awesome interview with guitarist, Keith Huckins of Rorschach, Deadguy and Kiss It Goodbye over at Stuff You Will Hate. Well worth a read, check it out...