Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Revelation files

Cappo with Youth Of Today, photo was used on the Shelter "Perfection of Desire" LP.

We've been posting photos from the Revelation files since this past April and we're finally coming towards the end. We'll most likely be doing at least one more entry, but if you've missed any of these entries, definitely go back and catch up, there's been some gems.

What we've got here are a few photos used in record layouts and a couple random photos I found floating around Rev. Cut out the rules or call it quits... -Tim DCXX

Sammy eyes up the "Have Your ID's Ready" sign on the CBGB's door.

And down it goes!

O.C. Sloth Crew Allstar and DCXX contributor, Joe Nelson, hangin' with Matt BOLD at a baseball game.

Alex Brown, Dylan Schreifels and Lukey Luke ham it up for the camera.

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