Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Have a little Integrity, will you?

Music is just like the recording... Dwid's vocals destroy.

"This goes out to everyone out there who's still Straight Edge, it's called Bringing It Back."

I don't know this guy but I want to.


Simon Bennett said...

That second video is killah! I wonder where that show was.. Cool looking venue, minus the barrier.

I guess this is also where the back photo for 'Humanity is the devil' was taken.

k said...

the outdoor show was played in cleveland in '95.

differently abominabled said...

also i didn't realize it until i saw the last vidio in this post: the second riff in "micha: those who fear tomorrow" is the first riff in sepultura's "inner self."

Anonymous said...

One of the most overrated bands of all time, and legitimate dickheads (and not in the cool, loveable way)

Jose said...

How about this one?

Sacramento - 1994

Anonymous said...

your wrong, sergeant: the melnicks were never dickheads, and their music certainly not overrated. don't forget they were 20 when they wrote "those who fear..." that's fucking amazing!

Anonymous said...

Fair point, I never met the Melnicks. The other members I met certainly were, though.

Dave B said...

The guy playing is Rod Woodson.


Anonymous said...

Shit, it is a Redskins jersey... Whoops.

BTW - My "code word" to post this comment was "disha".


Marty said...

This is for Jose, I think I still have those 2 shows(Sac & Reno)on Super 8...

Marty said...

Some years back Dwid was in the process of making a DVD so if and when I do find them, I promised to get him a copy as well...

Unknown said...

Being from OH, I love some Integrity and Ringworm.

Anonymous said...

What are the chances of getting Aaron Melnick interviewed? That would be a good read.

Unknown said...

For the Melnick-Fans: check SHIN TO SHIN

Everything else: if I had to listen to only one band it always was and will be INTEGRITY

ShayKM said...

I once described listening to Integrity to an uninitiated friend... 'Imagine the last scenes in Apocalypse Now with a soundtrack written by a straight-edge Charles Manson.'

This band was never over-rated! They just haven't yet built the right stereo to hear it properly.

nesmsap said...

I can't tell you how many times in 18 years now I've driven around blasting Micha while punching the steering wheel and trying hard not to smash a hole through the windshield. Also, I almost got pulled over by a cop once while having a scream along into an air mic during Vocal Test.

Ibn Mark said...

I’ve always loved Integrity’s music, but I’ll pass on the whole Charlie Manson/Holy Terror thing (whatever the fuck that was all about). Seems like some “ooh look at me I’m mysterious and evil” gimmicky shit.

hallowed be thy grime said...

the SHIN TO SHIN track on the PT split ends careers, lays human lives to waste, stops running water, discredits verified history and sterilizes wombs within a fifty mile radius.

savage said...

Interview Melnick please!